They broke your heart and you’re left with the question, “Am I...

They broke your heart and you’re left with the question, “Am I enough?” and it will beat against your mind like the ocean crashes against a mountain. Know this, you are enough, and you were right to not delude yourself for someone who could not distinguish what beauty is. You were right to let your heart be open, and one day it will open again, but remember to heal and grow from this pain because the next person who peeks into your soul will know that they are dealing with a heart that is ready to be unleashed. Wait for the person who has never wanted to hold anyone back, but rather wants to run free and wild with you. Never settle for what is easy, find what is good and worth fighting for, and unleash that big heart of yours so that some day, you can guide someone to a land that is better than the places they have been. Be the lighthouse you have always longed for because this world is a raging storm, and we need to let people know that they are not alone in this restless life. You are hurt now, but you are not finished, and you will not be defeated. -  T.B. LaBerge

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